ELRC 19 Health and Safety Task Force

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The ELRC 19 Health and Safety (H&S) Task Force is designed to bring together professionals in a regional, collaborative effort to provide coordinated, consistent H&S related supports to ECE providers, identify needs, maximize resources, and leverage local and statewide strengths to address needs and improve services during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Task Force is comprised of members that can provide H&S related supports to early care and education programs in Chester County. These members include: Quality Coaches, Program Quality Assessors, Preschool and Infant/Toddler Program Specialists, EI and EITA Consultants, Certification Representatives, and an Infant Early Childhood Mental Health Consultant. Representatives from various local agencies with specific H&S expertise will also be invited to join.

Objectives of the H&S Task Force include the following:

  • Meet regularly to discuss health and safety activities, requests, findings, challenges, and needs of early learning programs in Chester County during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Identify areas of expertise and create a phone/contact list
  • Determine regional health and safety needs, approaches to meeting these needs, and the system to support programs within the region
  • Set up systems for communication
  • Create resource connections for programs without duplicating services

The H&S Task Force will develop long term goals to guide the team's work even after the COVID-19 pandemic subsides.